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Monday, February 19, 2007

hellooo people i dont know whats up in your lives but it's been nice catching up with some of you. so i hope life's peachy now, and you're all happily collecting lots of angpaos and being prosperous (:
so they say our results are coming out 2nd march - i dont know how reliable that is. but see you all soon yeah!

steph [10:34 PM]

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


KingADRIANthegreat [9:14 AM]

Friday, November 17, 2006

hey guys, keep AIYA BLOODY ALL THE DAYS FROM 22nd FREE (cept 27th 29th) free for class outing kays.

den if u got suggestions of what to do prist tell me also... thankews

if u cant pls alert me asap k?

2ndly, i needa add ur GMAIL accounts, smtg about this stupid blog being moved and has to merge with Gmail accounts god knows what. so if u dont have a gmail acc u cant post or smtg.


KingADRIANthegreat [7:34 PM]

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Ahem! Ahem!
To my dear historians and historian a(S)ses...

How ironic it is that the only guy who didn't do history in
secondary school comes to become the History Rep. Still,
I've enjoyed this position, collecting money after countless reminders,
running to the photocopy shop for thick stacks of lecture notes, everyone
has been sooooooooooooooooo cooperative.
It's been fun and I figured since we're (probably) cramming for History already,
I thought I'd be nice and encouraging like I usually am and give
you guys that final push.

As Caesar once said,

Veni Vici Vidi.

I came. I saw. I conquered.

Or if you prefer...


I love you Historians :)

KingADRIANthegreat [11:53 PM]

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Just so you guys know, i love each and everyone of you. I might have taken some of you for granted as the years passed, but NJ was perhaps, my most treasured memory, because it was the home of A02.

My love goes with you guys, in whatever you guys may choose to do.

And just so you guys know, when i organise future class outings, you guys BETTER REPLY MY SMSES AND GET BACK HERE. I DO NOT NEGOTIATE. YOU CAN BE IN ENGRAND, AMERIKA, EULOPE, CHEENA, YOU BLARDY FLY BACK HERE!

Cheers! Love you guys, good luck for As, its in you. We're the humans class, who else can ace A levels the A02 way? =)

King Adrian

KingADRIANthegreat [1:42 AM]

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

uni course?

hey i thought i'd be cool to know.. which uni is everyone planning to go? and what course? haha, i'm going to nus lit (of course) unless i change my mind=)


KingADRIANthegreat [10:29 PM]

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Photo That'll Make Headlines !

KingADRIANthegreat [6:56 PM]

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today was the last day of lessons for A02. I spent my last day tidying up TA13, rearranging the puzzle pieces, clean the class, ensure that the envelopes are clean and unblocked. On the whiteboard, i wrote "This is the Civics Class of 05A02, pls do not rearrange the furniture". It offers me some sort of... something i guess. I miss our classroom already, and the way we made it our home.

I love you guys, everyone of you that made A02, and all the memories you guys left. I like suaning u guys sometimes, oh yes, but that doesnt mean i hate you. I love NJ, i really do. I enjoyed myself thoroughly, and i often wish that JC was a little longer, like 4 years and my RV days reduced to 2.

Here's my little something to all of you, i love you:

Charlene: Youkai was captain of ignis, and so were you. A02 has always produced top, enthusiastic leaders who lead ignis and serve with pride and honor. you were our pride. the way you gave your best for council, ignis, and for A02.. nothing more, you were a leader.

Shermin: Forever jumping, singing, i think the A02 spirit lives in you. personified. your hearty laughter.. something we've missed so much in the leadup to the As, with stress laden on us. HAha, you were always sherman, our brother. =)

Chris and Ruth: This pair goes as one. A twinity. =) i rmb when i first came into A02, both u CTSS girls sat and made the best jokes, and the heartiest laughters. Chris, you were my PW's group leader, and i worked with u for OG. You strike a fine balance between work and play, and im really, really impressed. Rmb, to spray disinfectant on mac's trays! Ruth, my math khaki. MAth always suck so much when youre absent. Nobody to suan mr song, "MR SONG FAN LEH", and trigo just strikes me raw.

Shuzi: I've no doubt that u clash cynbols (HOW TO SPELL ARGH) the best way they shld be clashed. Every national anthem, i can tell if u were the one clashing it. NO LYING!!! and you, forever POPULAR (maybe is acccctttt one) hahah! but PW was damn fun, and u really were meticulous with the WR. omg that nite when we thought the diskette was lost, i still rmb u blaming urself!! NO!!!! 008 loves u! A02 too!

Karen: there are 2 girls i really respect alot. One's called Elgina in HCJC. The other's you. YOu know what you want, you get what you want. And nothing stnads in your way. Such a determined attitude.. few have it. To know what you want, and boldly pursue it, im impressed. and when you try your best, you really do THE BEST.

Sara: everytime i see you, everytime u collect money from me one leh maths rep. haha, but still, i always tell SOME GIRLS in our class to imitate you. Demure, lady like... and you can dance! please when u become some model, rmb that adrian wants to know rui en. thanks!

Judith: From RV, ive already heard your name le. EVEYTIME SOME ENGRISH COMPETITION, YOULL WIN IT GRAWRRR! When i first came into A02, "oh no its that judith. shes going to say some big long long long word that i wont ever understand" hahah! but really, i think you're shuuuuper smart, insightful. i still cannt believe u came from NCC

Shoof: *shoof runs under a computer table, puts her hands in a triangular action above her and says: "house!"* HAHAH OMGGG.. forever laughing, happy. ive never seen u pissed, sad or even angry. whatever life throws at you, you slurp it up wiht a smile. i cant find anyone who can be happier, and more christlike!

ShuQi: I've no doubt that deep down in you, you really are an A02-ian. i dunno if you will read this, but ive a high regard for your work. i saw your PW's final product, and i can only say, im beyond impressed.

SAm: You are brilliant, really brilliant. and you can really write. in whatever you do, your ability will take you thru. you will excel outside school, a caged up system is smtg you will not thrive on, and i think you'll do well.

Steph: Aiyo, rooooocccckkkss! youve got the sian diao look everytime during assembly ahhaa. like "why am i here today?". lemme tell u smtg.. i share the same sentiments! i really admire your love for ur grandma, and for lil kids. quality wife/daughter in law A++ i intro you to some minister when i become pres kays!

Sophie: Who else laughs louder? (okay sorry maybe chris) late nights talking, bitching, who else shares my crazy views other than you! and youll never get my jokes.. (but u improved recently le) HAHAH. and who else believed my scratch cornea joke for as long as u did. sophie ar, you know youre smart de, dont doubt urself! Rmb, you are an Econs S student! thats good enough proof u can handle higher economic concepts! =)

Sheryl: Behind all the class things, you are the one who does all the admin work. and silently too. i dunno how you can cope with all the nonsense, but you really were a good asst CT rep. You know the with the regular offdays i tkae (4-dayweek)... i really needed the help u gave. thanks!

Beng ah: best friend! who else will sit with me and tell me i rock? play the pass-the-problem game. help me find solutions to dilemmas. indulge me in my kingly fantasies, and call me huang ah ma. hahah! when i become president, i decide le, ill help u get ronaldo. but for now XM looks quite good leh... consider? :P

Rhodaaaaa: I dont believe u came from NPCC. nonono! you offer some kinda cynical comments sometimes.. and its usually suaning me yucccks haha! for a short period of time, we were in the same GP class...den no more. pooofff! and you arent fat. you know whats fat? fat is when u look down and u cant see your feet! for me i can only see my toes... haha! stop dieting!

Charmaine: HAHA meimei ar meimei..you and jeff have a 4-year age gap. Jeff's 13 and youre 9. =) still, you're sooooo damn mature. you think logically, and you dont do crazy stuff (like put a wallet on your head, pretend to be a geisha) haha! and youre freaken smart. omg, rmb! im ur pastor when u get married! ill get myself those white robes... dont worry ill look like one!

Liyana: u eat the most bread leh, probably the biggest bread eater ive ever known. haha but still, i've never seen you pissed, or you losing your temper.. even when GP turns out badly. Your self control, run run run and run.. amazing. the one and only canoeist in A02!

Erni: Haha our late night convos have evolved into an econs discussion le! soft spoken, graceful, i really cant find other adjectives that more aptly describe you! hahah and cats rock.

Angoose: when i first saw you, i thought u spoke really well, and you looked like those extremely athletic kid. haha then you evolved into my partner-in-bullshiting, lying about the most absurd things to guillible kids (uh hemmmm... u know who u are hahHAH) you were a brilliant OGL to be with, with that really high energy level. lastly, you're the most industrious person ive seen, you will get your rewards, no worries man. we drifted somewhat this year.. still i love yoU!

Jason: I dunno why youre christine's kid. Why ar? hahah i know i suan you alot, but hey, shows youre fun to suan ya? You always have this weird expression on your face when i do, and you look funny and sound funny when i successfully piss you off! hence it is fitting i end this with a suaning... wishing you a happy marriage with HG. =)

BEnny: After a year of manhood lessons, you muster up enough courage to skip geog. I see you've benefitted immensely. haha i think you're witty. You throw back my insults well, and you laguh funny! Benny arrrrr... when u work, you really score darn bloody well. You have it in you, go get it! BE A MAN! and dont send me midnight romantic messages. then u hurt me by telling me it isnt for me... =( hahah!

Kurt: Duh, who else. If you cant find kurt, look into the printing shop. hes usually there making math notes. you've really changed alot since i knew you, and better too. have more confidence man, youre bloody brilliant. ill make you my personal adviser when i crown myself king! =)

Haoguang: Eh, u owe me a Smooth Criminal song. wah laos, i was daaaaammn blown away, i thought no one, humanely, can sing that SONG. you're smart, and i can see youre starting to work super hard. hey, its paid dividends right? The best poets dont HAVE to be gay.. dont date jason ya? =)

All in all, ill miss you guys.

KingADRIANthegreat [9:54 PM]

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My Lovelies. <3

Hey! I realised I haven't posted for a really long time. So here I am!

I watched World Trade Centre today, and I got a lot of thoughts to chew on while watching. There was an old mother, who broke down, because her son went into the Trade Centre with a quarrel as their last conversation. And I realized. I don't want the last memories of A02 be one of one bounded by boundaries that we ourselves subconsiously divide ourselves into, cliques that we once avowed never to change our relationships.

Yes, I admit that there will always be degrees of friendship, but it doesn't change the fact that we are all friends. And let me throw in this cliched thought, What If your life was to end tomorrow? How would you want to be remembered?

More food for thought!

I've Learned - by Omer Washington

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it. I've learned that it's not what you have in your live, but who you have in your life that counts. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes, after that, you'd better know something.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do. I've learned that it's not what happens to people, it's what they do about it. I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you'll see them. I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. I've learned that there are people, who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it. I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I've learned that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distance same goes for true love.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgive by others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their actions. I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I've learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves get farther in life. I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I've learned that writing, as well as talking, can ease emotional pains. I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe. I've learned to love and be loved.

I've learned.

-Omer Washington

Thank you, my lovelies, for teaching me this, and so much more. (:

All the best for A's!

Much Love,

KingADRIANthegreat [2:08 AM]

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

heh mug hard people!!
nerds rock. (look at mug!)
& just for laughs,

beng ah needs a banana.

KingADRIANthegreat [7:16 PM]

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The following is the confirmed arrangement of prom. Every detail has been taken into consideration to ensure a happy night and adrian has come up with this plan which should put everyone in tables they're most comfortable with. Hence, the "pair" thingy was created. Adrian seeks your understanding as the arrangement is constrained by scarcity (2 tables only wat u expect), and hopes all of u enjoy a great night on 3rd dec.

Those who have selected a pair, you are put in your pairs, which i managed not to tear up. Those with pairs are denoted by "Someone & Someone". Those who did not select one, you are placed as an individual within the tables.

Table 1:
Ling and Chris
Adrian and Ruth
Rhoda and Karen
Char and Soph

Table 2:
Haoie & Jason (my my i clda expected this myself)
Shermin & Sam
Steph & Shuzie
Judith & Jeff

The only reason why i didnt put "kurt & shoof" is cause they didnt OFFICIALLY send me a pairing. I do however, infer that this would work out excellently for them. =P


have a great day ahead!

Adrian and a few sleepless nights (HAHAH!)

KingADRIANthegreat [11:56 PM]

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ok ! Update about our movie marathon on saturday hor. It will be at Charmaine's house k, and I dont know where some people get the idea they are not invited coughadriancough because it is supposed to be open to everyone. =) It was initially between Karen Charmaine and I but soon Christine Ruth Liyana LingHui heard of it and viola! It became coco crunch! my ass I meant to say it became infused with chick flicks and what not and I admit it may have appeared exclusive on the surface but trust me it is not, it is for everybody interested! Unless you want to watch a horror movie. If you DARE to bring any disgusting psychological thrillers like saw, dark water etc or horror movies like the Host Boogeyman Chucky or something along these lines, I will personally kick you out. So there. Other than that bring any movies you like, and the choice of movie will be based entirely on consesus. I must warn you though, due to the overwhemingly female demographics of the participants involved, although I shall try my best to ban mean girls, we may most likely end up watching movies more catered to satisfying feminine whims and impulses.

KingADRIANthegreat [10:49 PM]

Saturday, August 26, 2006

jeff! now you know how prince looks like!
before you go, so qiao! they have the same strand of fringe drooping down,
do note that i actually took the liberty of putting jeff's fringe on prince.

KingADRIANthegreat [12:22 AM]

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This is loan shark Tan.

This is the red slip for those who right now ar O$ neh P$

Your prom teekets are 63 lollar, priest pay asap thankews.

Or next time lin bei hang the fish heads on ur door den u come out kanna scareded.

Or i also got a cat la. Then this cat veh good at shitting one, later i share the festive joy then u know ar.

Okay i joke joke nia ar. BUT THE PART ABT PAYING NOT JOKE JOKE.


Loan Shark Tan

KingADRIANthegreat [11:17 PM]

+ |E 05a02 pple|
Brynner Erni Shu Heng Jeffery Liyana Adrian Kurt christine Sheng Ling Hui Rhoda Shermin Judith Ruth Nat Hao Guang Sophie Charlene karen Cassandra Charmaine Stephanie Sara Samantha Sheryl Shufen Shuqi Jason Benny

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